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  • Cancellation
    Subscriptions can be canceled by either the user or Leo. To cancel, users must submit their request in writing through email ( or the website's "Contact Us" form. Leo may terminate subscriptions at its discretion without prior notice. Both contracts billed annually and those billed monthly constitute annual subscriptions. Regardless of when a cancellation request is submitted, the cancellation will take effect only at the end of the current annual term.
  • How often do you update your information?
    LeO ensures its data is up-to-date by continuously sourcing firmographic details and contact information from diverse, reliable sources, and insurance intelligence from multiple state and government agencies. This ongoing effort guarantees our users access to fresh, comprehensive, and accurate information, enabling informed decision-making.
  • How accurate is your information?
    To enhance the accuracy and reliability of the data, LeO employs a multifaceted approach to quality assurance. This includes the implementation of cross-referencing techniques, whereby data points are verified against multiple sources to ensure consistency and validity. A key indicator of this rigorous verification process is the 'IsVerified' field. This field acts as a marker, signifying that the information has undergone thorough checks and has been confirmed by several independent sources. By leveraging such mechanisms, LeO aims to maintain high standards of data integrity, providing users with reliable and accurate information.
  • Is there a contract?
    LeO provides both monthly and annual subscription plans, each with a commitment for one year. Your subscription begins on the initial sign-up date, for either monthly or annual billing cycles. It will automatically renew for successive 12-month terms unless a non-renewal notice is provided at least 30 days before the current term ends.
  • Is there a mobile app available?
    Yes, we offer a convenient mobile app for easy access to our services on the go. Search for “LeO Insights” in Google Play or the App Store! The mobile app provides all the functionalities available on our web platform, allowing you to manage your account, access information, and stay connected with your data from anywhere, anytime.
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